After a much-needed break with our families in Austin, Texas, Dave and I are on the road again. We are on our way to La Grange, Texas. Kevin let us know before we left that it is the name of a song by ZZ Top. I told him I wasn’t familiar with it, but once he played it, I knew the song and have heard it before. Now he is playing it on repeat (lol). For those that want to listen, here is a link: ZZ Top – La Grange.

The terrain was pretty flat, with rolling hills, and we had fewer climbs compared to the previous days. We also passed through some quaint small towns, and as we cycled through them, we could see their charm and character, especially Bastrop, Texas. We crossed the Colorado River multiple times while traversing these small towns.

Colorado River

Wildflowers are still in abundance, and I imagine they will be for the rest of our ride through Texas (we only have 3 more days left).

After cycling 70 miles, we finally reached La Grange. Tom and Kevin had snacks waiting for us and were working on dinner. The snacks were great and dinner smells amazing. I can’t wait to dig in!

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