Day 5 of cycling across the country on the Southern Tier was a grind. We started off in Gila Bend, AZ and had a destination of Eloy, AZ, covering a total of 64 miles. This might seem like a small distance compared to other days, but the slight uphill the whole way made it quite a challenge.

Uphill from Gila Bend

Despite having to ride on the interstate, the scenery we passed through was still beautiful. We rode through stunning desert landscapes, with majestic mountains and cacti dotting the horizon. The colors of the sky and the landscape changed constantly throughout the day, making it a visual treat for our senses.

As we cycled through the uphill sections, we relied on each other for motivation and support. We cheered each other on and took regular breaks to rest our legs and refuel our bodies with snacks and water.

Reaching our destination of Eloy, AZ was a great feeling. We had covered 64 miles and had experienced another day of the incredible journey that is cycling across the country. We were tired but also proud of what we had accomplished.

Cycling across the country on the Southern Tier is not an easy feat, but it’s definitely an experience worth having. It teaches us to push ourselves beyond our limits, to appreciate the beauty of the world around us, and to rely on the support of others. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the journey has in store for us.

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