Today’s ride was an uneventful 70 miles, which was nice after yesterday’s tropical rainstorm. We had good tailwinds and were able to maintain a moving average of 20.5 mph.


Our first stop came at about 30 miles in at a gas station, where the doors to enter were being blocked by a pig and her babies. The pig was nice and loves coming to the gas station because she gets all sorts of snacks from the lady working there.

We saw tons of wildflowers in Texas, but not many since we left that state. But as we start moving through Florida, the wildflowers are starting to appear alongside the road again.


The RV site was probably one of the nicest ones we have had on the whole trip. Kevin and Tom did an awesome job finding it.

Perry KOA

They always work tirelessly taking care of us, so I made everyone smash burgers and we enjoyed a fire at night.

After dinner, two other cyclists pulled into the RV Park because they were camping there in tents. One of them was Wendell, who Dave and I ran into almost 30 days ago in Brackettville, Texas at Ziggy’s BBQ. The other was Jaime who we hadn’t seen before, but based on our Strava feeds, we were constantly passing each other like ships in the night. What a small world that we all convened on the same RV park on the same night even though we all left at different times with different routes and different stops. We all hung out for a while before they retired for bed. Both of them planned much more mileage the next day than us, and they like us, are eager to finish.

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