Welcome to day four of our cross-country cycling trip! Today was a long and grueling journey from Wellton, AZ to Gila Bend, AZ. We rode a total of 92 miles mostly along I-8, which was challenging but we made it.

As we set off from Wellton, we had to ride for hours in the rain.

As the miles ticked by our bodies began to ache and fatigue set in. But we knew we couldn’t let that stop us. We were determined to reach our destination, no matter what.

The scenery along the way was breathtaking, with towering mountains and vast open plains stretching out before us. We were in awe of the beauty of the landscape around us, and it helped to keep our spirits up as we pedaled along.

About 50 miles in, Dave got a flat tire, but we forgot our tire iron, so we were stranded.

Thankfully, our support team (Papa Tom and Kevin) was only 20 minutes away.

As we neared our last 15 miles, we were grateful to run into the WomanTours support van. They offered us much-needed snacks and water, which gave us a boost of energy to finish the ride strong. It was amazing to see the support of our fellow cyclists and the generosity of those who were helping us along the way.

By the time we reached Gila Bend, we were exhausted but exhilarated. We had covered 92 miles in a single day, which was a major accomplishment for all of us. And with that, we had now travelled 322 miles and were over 10% of the way to St. Augustine, FL.

Although our bodies were sore, we were all feeling proud and accomplished. We know the next few days of the journey will be just as challenging, but we were ready to take them on, one mile at a time, so we get to see our families in Tucson!

1 comment

  • Traci Mayfield
    Posted March 18, 2023 11:28 am 0Likes

    So exciting reading about your adventures! My BIL did something similar years ago for breast cancer awareness, but on his Harley, stopping at each capital to speak.

    Stay strong !! You e got this!

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