Cycling across the country can be a great adventure, and Day 12 of our trip was no exception. It was a long day, taking us from Columbus, NM to El Paso, TX, covering a distance of 90 miles. We were excited to reach our fourth state. We woke up early and headed to Irma’s Kitchen in Columbus for breakfast. Irma’s Kitchen is a small, one-woman restaurant that serves delicious food, and Irma herself is quite the character. She owns, cooks, and serves the food, providing plenty of conversation, and a great start to the day. I highly recommend stopping by if you’re passing through Columbus.

Irma's Kitchen

After breakfast, we geared up and set off for El Paso. The first 62 miles of the ride were on New Mexico 9, a desolate highway with nothing in sight. We didn’t see a single house, gas station, or person for the entire stretch. It was a good thing that the elevation was mostly flat or descending, and we had tailwinds, or we would have had trouble making it that far without somewhere to stop for water and food. We were even more fortunate that the weather was good because there was no cell service to call for help if we ran into any issues.

New Mexico 9

The lack of civilization and cell service made the ride quite an adventure. We were completely on our own, with no one to turn to for help if anything went wrong. We had to rely on each other and our own resources to make it to our destination. It was a good reminder of how important it is to be prepared when cycling in remote areas. We made sure to carry plenty of water and food, as well as spare parts and tools in case of a mechanical issue.

Despite the challenges of the day, the scenery was stunning. We rode through vast expanses of desert, with nothing but the open road and blue sky stretching out before us. It was a unique and unforgettable experience, and one that we’ll always remember.

After a long day of cycling, we arrived in El Paso. It was a relief to be back in civilization, with all the amenities that come with it. We arrived at the RV, showered, and headed out for a well-deserved dinner.


  • Karrie aka Big Sis
    Posted March 24, 2023 8:44 pm 0Likes

    I am finally connected and able to observe your progress. I have to admit your adventure is quite comfortable from our couch! I look forward to hearing more tales. I heard you finally had took a spill?

  • Whitney Boessen
    Posted March 27, 2023 10:41 pm 0Likes

    Not like my fall 2 minutes from your house!?? Loving this blog and you all are crushing it!!

    • Jesse Rochman
      Posted March 28, 2023 5:41 am 0Likes

      I feel like my fall involved a lot less profanity than both of yours

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