Day 10 of the coast-to-coast cycling trip from Bisbee, AZ to Rodeo, NM was nothing short of thrilling. With 650 miles behind us, we have completed just over 20% of our journey from San Diego, CA to St. Augustine, FL. However, it was the weather that stole the show on this particular day.

Howling Winds

The winds were howling, with sustained speeds of 30+ mph and gusts reaching up to 60mph. The first 25 miles of the ride were especially challenging, as the winds were blowing sideways. It felt like being in a rodeo instead of riding into Rodeo!

Thankfully, the route shifted northeast, and the wind became a tailwind for the remaining 55 miles. We were able to take full advantage of this and managed to achieve our fastest average moving time of 21 mph. The feeling of flying with the wind’s help must was exhilarating and a great morale booster for us.

Wild Winds

The unpredictable weather conditions can be both a curse and a blessing for us. On one hand, it can make the journey more challenging and unpredictable, but on the other hand, it can make the journey much more exciting and memorable. Today, it was the latter. Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

Dave in the Mountains

The journey from Bisbee, AZ to Rodeo, NM is not just about the miles but the challenges and rewards along the way. We have already encountered many obstacles but have also experienced the beauty of the landscapes we have crossed and the kindness of the people we have met. It is this mixture of ups and downs that make this coast-to-coast cycling trip so remarkable.



  • Ginny Bowen
    Posted March 23, 2023 3:40 pm 0Likes

    Glad you traveled the southern part of Arizona instead of the northern part. We are still getting snow!!!

    Safe travels!!!

  • Curt
    Posted March 23, 2023 9:55 pm 0Likes

    Thank goodness you finally got the tailwind.

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