We have arrived in San Diego to make the final preparations for our epic cross-country bike ride from San Diego, California to St. Augustine, Florida and we couldn’t be more excited to help Roads to Giving raise funds to improve kids’ lives through the power of cycling.

This journey has been years in the making and we’re grateful to our wives and family for making it a reality. As we sit here typing this blog post, we’re filled with a mix of emotions. We’re nervous about the physical challenge ahead, but also incredibly excited about the journey and kickstarting Roads to Giving. We’ve always been fans of adventure and exploring new places, and this bike ride is the ultimate adventure. Simultaneously launching a new nonprofit and organizing a cross-country bike ride is no small feat. There were many moving parts to make both happen, and our wives and family have been rock stars. From participating in numerous meetings and raising awareness for Roads to Giving, to securing lodging along the route so we can visit with our wives and kids, to making sure we have everything we need, to herding all our families to cheer us at the finish line, and everything in between, they’re help cannot be overstated.

We also want to thank Kevin and Corie for securing an RV to tour the country with us and provide us a launching and landing place each day, and Papa Tom for joining our journey. Mama Donna also offered up a week of her time to make sure we had a tow vehicle behind the RV that could get to us quickly if we have issues due to weather, mechanical breakdowns, or injury.

Finally, we would like to thank our families and friends for their support, encouragement, and overwhelming generous donations. This is a big step for us and Roads to Giving, and we couldn’t have done it without everyone’s love and support. As we embark on this journey, we’re looking forward to the new experiences and memories we will make. We are excited about the scenic routes, the wildlife, the small towns, and the new people we will meet along the way. We can’t wait to share this experience with you through this blog, see where this journey takes us, and to spread the mission of Roads to Giving to kids on bikes. Stay tuned for more updates from the road.

The adventure is about to begin!


  • Uncle Jack
    Posted March 12, 2023 12:23 pm 0Likes

    Thumbs up David!

  • Uncle Jack
    Posted March 12, 2023 12:28 pm 0Likes

    Thumbs up David and Jesse!

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